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Program and achievement 2018

Number of Participant Acitvities
7685 Organized awareness meeting at Village level about Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2017, Rights of persons with disabilities Act 2016 and policy about certification, pension, reservation, education, ration card, job card, Adhar card, student scholarship, medical certification camp at block level for pension. Discussed about formation of D.P.Os federation at Panchayat level. Group strengthening by group formation, CBR committee formation at panchayat level.
1553 This year wrote different slogan and message on many walls about Peoples With Disabilities. And each village wrote very simple word. Because those people who read that message and slogan they would understand and will share others to related disable people needs and demands for education, health and livelihood. wall writing in 330 villages on 1553 walls.
200 Organized people with disabilities rally on disabilities rights, reservation, pension and inclusive education.
841 Organized world disabilities day celebration at Ramanujnagar block. On this day specially focused on people with disabilities livelihood, assessment, rights and entitlement, disabilities inclusion, women with disabilities, Promote dignity, Mainstream disabilities, reservation, ensure equality, social policy, empowerment, inclusive education, skill training, leadership training, linkages with them various govt. Schemes.
465 Organized CBR Committee meeting at village level. In these meeting discussed about empower local stakeholders about different issue related people with disabilities like: certification, pension, and govt. Facilities, CWDs enrolment in aganwadi and school, health, security, shelter, reservation and scholarship. In these meeting participated all local stakeholders like: Aganwadi members, ASHA worker, ANMs workers, Panchayat members, School teachers, D.P.O members, parents. Total 31 CBR committees have been formed with 465 members.
49 Organized Block level P.R.I meeting at Ramanujnagar, Surajpur and Premnagar. Discussed about new Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2017, Rights of persons with disabilities Act 2016, certification, pension, Children with disability education facilities, reservation, group strengthening and CBR Committee formation process.
277 This year organized various skill developments training mushroom production at community level as well as tailoring training at block level for people with disabilities at Matti resources center Kataroli. Total 21 skill development training has been organized.
1221 People with disabilities access medical certification through Govt. Hospital Surajpur district.
46 This year organized Assessment camp for people with disabilities especially for physical impairment at Kataroli. Total Peoples With Disabilities participated and total people with disabilities measurement have been made.
7 Organized meeting with School’s teachers and Parents, discussed about Children with disability actively participated in sports, education; school events even discussed about their daily living activities, livelihoods and skills and motivated them for continuing going to Aganwadi and school. Total 7 Children with disability enrolled in school.
1577 Through school competition such as, general knowledge competition, sports activities and art and cultural competition organized in between children without disabilities and children with disabilities about reducing discrimination, stigma, amongst them self. Total 35 inclusive children club have been formed with 578 members.
200 This year Selected people with disabilities and people without disabilities for linkages in microenterprises for their livelihood and provided Income generation program (IGP) like: Small Merchant, animal husbandry, tailoring and Mushroom production for financial support. Total 200 IGP have been distributed.
232 Total 232 CWDs access Physiotherapy.
5830 This year organized several meetings about strengthening and formation women group included women with disabilities about their livelihood, IGP, regular saving, monthly meeting and maintaining registers. Also gave information about various govt. schemes, women group leadership and oriented them about how to fight against their rights, liberty, dignity, gender discrimination and reservation for their entire women group in society. Aware them about group strengthening and group dynamic to help them for team work by group formation. Total 20 new SHGs have been formed included 200 members.
44 Organized women meeting at Matti resources center Kataroli. Discussed about women empowerment, women rights, women group, and women leadership. Even focus on women participation and leadership at panchayat level. Total 2 SHGs training has been organized with 44 members about inclusive participation of women with disabilities about economic development of poor and marginalized women in the society.
4716 Organized panchayat level DPOs federation meeting about strengthening and improved their leadership quality as well as regular monthly meeting with specific issue on people with disabilities like: certification, pension, reservation, livelihood and according to RPWDs act and policy 2017.
784 Organized District level and block level DPO meeting about Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2017, Rights of persons with disabilities Act 2016 and policy, medical certification camp, govt. scheme and reservation, education facilities for Children with disability, certification, pension, ration card, formation CBR committee, group formation, people with disability participation in local body, skill training, livelihoods and process of formation Block and district level DPOs federation. Total 11 block/District level DPOs meeting has been organized included 4 district level.
97 Organize 3 state level DPOs meeting about social, political, economical development of Person with Disabilities, RPWDs act and policy 2017, reservation, People with disabilities lokpal, mantralaya, inclusive education, certification, pension, Role and responsibilities of CVJF Federation and formation process.